What To Expect
- Make sure that you are clear about what your teacher wants you to do and where she/he wants you to meet. Your teachers will pick up their packets from the registration desk and will hand out wristbands to students and observers. The morning may feel a little hectic, but your teacher knows what to do!
- You may be concerned about crowded classrooms – don’t be! Our classes are taught by expert instructors who can handle the situation. There are ways, that go unnoticed by most, to include every dancer in the room and make them feel a part of the class. Don’t worry about whether your child is standing in the front or the back. They will position themselves where they feel the most comfortable. Leave that decision to your child.

- Your child will probably be given a mid-morning break. Come prepared with easy-to-carry snacks as you will not have enough time to go out.
- There will almost always be a restaurant in the hotel. It is convenient but often too busy to accommodate everyone. You can order room service early in the morning for a specified time, but make sure that delivery time is scheduled for few minutes before you actually need it. Don’t wait until lunch to call.
- Many hotels offer a sack lunch for a reasonable price. It will usually be set up close to the ballrooms. Try to pick up your child’s lunch before class ends.
- Often there are restaurants or fast food places near the hotel. You may not have time to go out so take-out is suggested.
- Pack an ice chest and find a spot!
- Always arrange to have food picked up or delivered before classes end to avoid the lunch rush.

- No video cameras. As much as we would love these treasures they may make other children uncomfortable.
- Plan your photo ops for between classes. Try not to surprise your child with picture taking – it will break their concentration.
- No coaching from the sidelines. Let your child focus on the teacher.
- Keep talking to a minimum. The room is noisy and you will find yourself competing with the music in order to be heard!

- A light dinner is suggested. Save your feast for after competition. Make sure you order or make reservations ahead of time!
- Have your child organized early. Don’t forget anything!
- Arrive at the designated meeting place on time.
- Remember that every parent in the audience is in love with their child and remember how you feel when someone thinks your own child is great! Applaud for all of the kids – they deserve it.
- A little attention and some positive feedback goes a long way. Don’t be afraid to give compliments whether you know the child or not!
- Cheer during awards. Your kids have worked hard – remember to focus on the hard work rather than which award they receive.
Note: I would love for my children to come in first at everything they do, but that’s not going to happen – and it’s not important that it does. What’s important is that they learn respect for others and others’ accomplishments as well as their own. That’s winning.

- If your teacher asks that you help backstage take these things with you or make sure that they will be available: bobby pins, safety pins, rubber bands, clear nail polish, tights, tissue, band aids, small scissors.
- Be aware of line-up order. Try not to ask too many questions of the stage manager – he/she is busy! But, if you have a quick-change, calmly let the person in charge know. They may be able to rearrange the order.
- Don’t hover. Things are going fast. Do your job then stand back.
- Stay calm and keep your voice low.
- Most importantly – Don’t forget to help anyone who needs help. You would so appreciate it if someone helped your child.
- When your job is completely finished, relax and go watch the show!

Scholarship auditions are a wonderful opportunity for dancers to receive recognition for all their hard work. They are also a good measuring stick for areas of strengths or weaknesses. Here are a few points to remember:
- Auditions usually happen during lunch and/or early in the morning on the second day. Everyone’s tired so be upbeat with your child.
- Scholarship auditions don’t have to be stressful for either the dancers or the parents! Our auditions are given by our faculty members in a way that makes this a fun experience without the fear of being judged.
- Don’t try to second-guess the choices that are made – you will always be surprised. Everyone will have a different opinion.
- A child’s ability cannot be weighed by whether or not they receive a scholarship.
- Stress the experience with your child rather than the result.
- Tell them to take the audition just like a regular class. Don’t concentrate on the prize. They will have much more fun.
- Everyone has a chance but if they don’t try, then they stand no chance at all!
- If they need feedback, concentrate on their achievement. Don’t discuss other dancers or make any comparisons.
- You know your child best. If they seem too hesitant, then don’t push. They might need a another year before they’re ready.
- Once they get the hang of it, they’ll have a great time!

Note: Learning is a process and takes time. Don’t compare your child with others – they’re not on a schedule. Try not to look forward to attaining the next goal, instead enjoy their accomplishments as they come. Love them a minute at a time.
At L.A. Dance Magic we end our convention with scholarship awards and a faculty show that will bring you to your feet! It’s a great way to wrap up a wonderful weekend. The kids leave inspired and ready to go back to their studios to work full-out! This is your child’s favorite activity – we’re glad you can share it with them.